Thirumana porutham (திருமண பொருத்தம்) made easy

Thirumana porutham is an ancient method of checking how compatible a pair of horoscopes are likely to be astrologically, all based on the date of birth. The method of finding the thirumana porutham has been laid down in the Vedic astrological scriptures, and the primary method is called the Ashtakoota method. In this type of thirumana porutham making, 36 different aspects of the horoscope are consulted in order to provide a more accurate reading. uses the Ashtakoota method to match the thirumana porutham for two horoscopes to generate a free thirumana porutham report.


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What is Thirumana Porutham (திருமண பொருத்தம்) ?

In Tamil, Thirumanam means marriage, and Porutham means compatibility. So, Thirumana Porutham (திருமண பொருத்தம்) means marriage compatibility in Tamil. Thirumana Porutham involves looking at the horoscopes of the bride and the groom and checking the compatibility of both based on many different factors, aspects or gunas. Usually, in North India, the traditional form of marriage compatibility is checked using the AshtaKoota method or the 8 category method, wherein 8 different aspects or gunas are taken into consideration to identify whether the couple is a good match or not. In South India and Tamil Nadu, Mukkiya Thirumana Porutham usually takes into account many other factors or aspects not considered by the AshtaKoota method. This makes the Thirumana Porutham tamil (திருமண பொருத்தம்) done by south Indian astrological methods a lot more effective. offers a free marriage compatibility check using Ashtakoota method, and a paid (INR 250 only) Thirumana Porutham which considers as many as 36 different factors or gunas. offers the Thirumana Porutham in Tamil (திருமண பொருத்தம்).

How to do horoscope matching in Tamil (முக்கிய திருமண பொருத்தம்) ? makes horoscope matching in Tamil a very easy process, and we have created a tool which gives us an accurate thirumana porutham in tamil. We have built an advanced software for online horoscope matching in Tamil which can be used by any one, a thirumana porutham calculator.

How to do tamil horoscope matching online?

Follow the steps given below to perform horoscope matching in tamil language on

  1. Visit
  2. Click the Horoscope Matching button on the top of the Home Page.
  3. Click “ Tamil” from the drop down menu on the top-right corner of the screen. The page will reload with the tamil version.
  4. Now scroll to the “New Matchmaking” section on the Horoscope Matching page.
  5. Enter all the details of the groom and the bride.
  6. Details include the name
  7. Other details (important) are Date of birth, place of birth, time of birth for thirumana porutham in tamil by date of birth
  8. You can save your profile for future checks so you do not have to enter the details all the time.
  9. This is also useful if you are comparing your horoscope with many other horoscopes to find the best fit with greatest compatibility.
  10. Click “திருமண பொருத்தம்” to match the horoscopes.
  11. The results displayed for free consider a total of 8 factors or gunas (Ashtakoota method).
  12. You can choose the advanced Thirumana Porutham to show a complete list of 36 gunas or factors and check the porutham.
  13. The advanced report costs INR 250 only.
  14. The final online horoscope matching reports generated will be in Tamil, which is the mukkiya thirumana porutham (முக்கிய திருமண பொருத்தம்) in tamil.

Is there a free horoscope matching for marriage in tamil?

Yes, offers the Ashtakoota method for free to users online. In Ashtakoota method, there are 8 gunas which are taken into consideration for giving users the best thirumana porutham online. These 8 gunas each have a different point system governing them and lead to a total score based on the horoscopes of both partners. The gunas that are considered by the free horoscope matching for marriage in tamil (ashtakoota method by are

Yoni, Varna or Vashya, Tara, Ganam, Vashya, Graha-Maitri, Nadi, Bhakoot.

Is there an advanced horoscope matching calculator for marriage in tamil?

Yes, also offers an advanced calculator which goes beyond the Ashtakoota method, which is considered unreliable by current astrology systems. The advanced report by costs INR 250 only and considers a total of 36 gunas including the 8 gunas covered by the Ashtakoota method. These gunas include Sexual compatibility, Divorce or infidelity, Balance of energy, misfortunes in life, nature, Life span, Children, mind, character, space within the relationship, feeling of being burdened, obstructions in the relationship, development, identity, match of families, dasha sandhi, personality, luck, abuse in the relationship, and close family members, communication and social status.

What is dinam porutham in tamil ?(தினப் பொருத்தம்)

Dinam porutham (தினப் பொருத்தம்) is the most important porutham amongst the 10 poruthams usually considered by Tamil astrologers in jathagam porutham. In Sanskrit, this is called Dina Koota. considers Dina Koota in the advanced (paid) report. The dinam porutham (தினப் பொருத்தம்) in the charts of the boy and girl indicate that there will be good health and success and prosperity for the bride and the groom. They will be well to do, and free of illnesses and diseases. They are likely to enjoy life together and live with comforts, and hence a happily married life together. This is the main reason that makes dinam porutham (தினப் பொருத்தம்) important in Tamil astrology.

How to check Dinam Porutham? (தினப் பொருத்தம்)

Firstly, in dinam porutham (தினப் பொருத்தம்) the various birth stars of both the bride and the groom are taken into account. If the stars of Rohini, Maka, Visaka, Ardhra, Hasta, Ravathi, Sravana, and Uttarshada of the girl or the boy match with the counterparts, this porutham (தினப் பொருத்தம்) is said to be in effect and the result is uttamam or good match. If the boy’s birth stars are leading those of the girl’s, it is considered to be an even better match (excellent!). If the stars Krithika, Ashwani, Pushya, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Purvashada, Chitra, Uttarshada and Uttara of the couple are matching, then this is also seen to be agreeable, however the main focus is on the initially mentioned stars given above. Stars other than the second set of stars mentioned are considered non-agreeable and not a match. Star 27 is always rejected irrespective of whether it is agreeable or not. Hence it is not considered.

What is Ganam Porutham in Tamil (கானா பொருத்தம்) ?

According to Vedic Astrology and horoscope matching tamil, the 27 different nakshatras are divided into three different ganas. These three different ganas are: Deva gana, Manushya gana and Rakshasa gana. Ideally, both the bride and the groom need to be of the sama gana for a compatible marriage. This is called Eka Ganam in tamil. Even if both bride and groom belong to Deva ganam and Manushya ganam, the compatibility is said to be fine. If one or both belong to Rakshasa Gana, then there will be difficulties in the marriage. This is because people under Rakshasa Gana have qualities such as getting angry easily, speaking harshly, getting into fights and provoking a fight etc.

What are the remedies for Gana Dosham?

Gana dosha can be relieved by doing a Nakshatra Shanti Pooja. However it is ideal for both partners to have the same Ganam so that there is a match in the personality and character traits of both the bride and the groom.

What is Yoni Porutham in tamil (யோனி பொருத்தம்) ?

In Tamil horoscope matching, the Yoni porutham (யோனி பொருத்தம்) means the sexual compatibility between the couple. Sexual compatibility is important for a pleasurable matrimonial life. Sex is one of the primal needs of any man or woman and this yoni porutham (யோனி பொருத்தம்) checks how fulfilling and pleasurable a couple’s sex life will be. Yoni means vagina in Tamil, Hindi and Sanskrit. It is used to metaphorically indicate sex life. According to Yoni porutham (யோனி பொருத்தம்), the 27 different nakshatras are assigned different animals, including the sheep, elephant, horse, dog, cow, cat, hare/deer, lion, monkey, buffalo, tiger, rat, snake, and the mongoose. If the animals of the bride and groom are natural enemies, such as the mongoose and the snake for example, then this is not a match in Yoni Porutham (யோனி பொருத்தம்). However, if the animals are the same or they are not natural enemies, such as, for example, the elephant and the horse, then it is considered a fair match. The best case is when both the bride and the groom get the same animals. This has the highest number of points. The scores for Yoni porutham (யோனி பொருத்தம்) points are calculated as below:

  1. Exact matching animals: 4 points
  2. Friendly animals: 3 points
  3. Neutral animals: 2 points
  4. Enemy animals: 1 point

What are the remedies for Yoni Dosham (யோனி தோஷம்)?

Yoni dosha nivarana puja is usually recommended for yoni dosha (யோனி தோஷம்) by most astrologers. However, a yoni dosha nivarana puja is something that is more generalistic in nature. The effect of the yoni dosha (யோனி தோஷம்) typically varies depending on the horoscopes of the individuals under question, so it varies for each couple depending on the horoscope. What is suggested is to use the help of a reliable astrologer so that he/she can determine specific pujas and remedies that can be done based on the horoscopes of the partners to help remove or reduce the effect of Yoni dosha (யோனி தோஷம்).

What is Vashya Porutham in Tamil (வசிய பொருத்தம்) ?

Vashya (வசிய பொருத்தம்) in both Tamil and Sanskrit means control or power. It is also called Varna Porutham. This guna indicates the power equation between a particular couple. It gives an idea about who in the relationship will hold more power and remain dominant. The vashya porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) is done using the horoscopes of the bride and the couple. Again in Vashya Porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்), the rashis are divided as per different categories of animals.The first category in Vashya porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) is called quadrupeds or more aptly, herbivores. The rashis that fall in this category are Taurus, 2nd part of Sagittarius, Aries, 1st part of Capricorn. Under varna porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) his category best gets along with those in the same category, but can also live with humans and insects. The second category under Varna or Vashya porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) is human or bipeds. The rashis that fall in this category include Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, 1st half of Sagittarius. People under this category can get along with Quadrupeds, insects, and mainly with other humans. They don’t get along well with the Forest animals or with aquatic animals. The third category under vashya porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) is forest animals. Leo falls under this category. They prefer solitude and get along with other forest animal category people only. They have a basic compatibility with Water animals and do not get along with bipeds (human), quadrupeds (herbivores) or insects.The next category in Vashya porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) is Water animals or aquatic animals. These people also get along best with other aquatic category people, with reasonable compatibility with humans, quadrupeds and insects. The rashis under this category are the water signs like Pisces, Cancer, 2nd part of Capricorn. The last category in varna or vashya porutham (வசிய பொருத்தம்) is the insect category or keeta. This refers to the Scorpio rashi alone. People of this category can get along fine with quadrupeds, humans, and forest animals. They get along best with people from the insect or keeta category.

What is Rajju Porutham in Tamil? (ரஜ்ஜு பொருத்தம் )

Rajju porutham (ரஜ்ஜு பொருத்தம் )is one of the many porutham usually seen in Tamil horoscope and jathagam matching. Rajju porutham (ரஜ்ஜு பொருத்தம் ) gives an idea of the strength of the mangalya balam or strength of the girls ability to remain a wife and not a widow. This directly influences the lifespan of the groom. Even if all the other poruthams are considered to be matching, a non-matching rajju porutham (ரஜ்ஜு பொருத்தம் ) will indicate that the couple is not a good match. The main reason for this is that the success of the marriage depends on the lifespan of both partners, and requires both to live long.

What is Mahendra porutham (மகேந்திர பொருத்தம்) in tamil jathagam porutham?

Mahendra porutham (மகேந்திர பொருத்தம்) is also another porutham considered by Tamil astrology that determines factors such as progeny, wealth and longevity of the couple. Mahendra porutham (மகேந்திர பொருத்தம்) indicates the ability of the couple to have progeny and children. This porutham also indicates the ability of the husband to protect his wife as well as his children from the dangers of the world, and describes how well the husband is likely to be able to provide for the family, again from a financial perspective. When rasiyathipathy and dinam poruthams are absent, the presence of mahendra porutham should be good to go. Mahendra porutham (மகேந்திர பொருத்தம்) is said to be compatible or matching in the jadhagam if the boy’s birth star is in positions 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, or 25 from the girl’s birth star. Other positions of the boy’s birth star from the girl’s birth star is considered inauspicious as far as this porutham is concerned. This will be considered incompatible and a mismatch of jathakams.